By Rachelle Zilavec
Someday, I’ll have to leave this place.
I’ll have to empty the drawers that traced to happy memories,
Lost in what others might call junk that could never fit inside a suitcase.
Someday, I’ll have to choose what to keep and what I can accept to lose.
But many of those things held the scent of somewhere I can no longer reach.
Someday, I’ll have to kiss my favorite things for the last time,
In hopes that I can hold them in another life.
My nostalgia shrine.
Someday, came too soon.
Someday, turned into,
One day,
I had to leave it all behind.
That day,
I lost it all to time.
Author Bio
Rachelle Zilavec
Rachelle Zilavec is from Toronto, Canada. She is an honors student majoring in literature and writing as well as a track and field athlete at California State San Marcos University. Rachelle enjoys traveling and finding new topics to write about.