Sofía Folwarski

Certainty’s Mystique.

One day

I drove past our grove

The brilliant trees echoing

The charming street


The trees were vapid

Vacant, sick

They need rest

Their beauty seemed so certain


The vibrant green turned murky

Full leaves that dried, crippling the pavement

What seemed so sure

Met time

The radiant youth

Reinforced the grove

Preparing for a new season

One where their growth 

Required patience to the perceivers


I drove past our grove

Flowers sung on leaves that sprinkled the deep hues

Greens I had never seen

Melodies of the wind

Aided in certainty’s mystique

Seasons embraced

The change

That keeps the grove 


Karma’s Stride

On nights like these

When well known streams

Pile from my eyes

Into dedicated lakes

Of disappointment

I wonder

If the wise, majestic waters

I cultivated

Were deserved

If the streams riddled

By budding deception, agony

Are just a consequence

A reprisal

Of karma’s stride

That has followed me here

Caught me finally

All that I had be running from

Running through my eyes onto the cold pavement

The seeds I had sewn

Blossoming just in time for spring.

Sofía Folwarski is a proud multiracial writer, accrediting her Nicaraguan, Filipina and Polish heritage to her artistic identity. She writes poetry, screenplays, and short stories for now, but is open to creativity always and how that wishes to be expressed. In her free time she enjoys singing, watching movies (specifically psychological thrillers, horror and romance), and learning new languages, right now: Portuguese.