
318 is the student-run creative writing journal of the Department of Literature and Writing Studies at California State University San Marcos. The journal is edited and published by students in the department’s Writing in Community course under the supervision of Dr. Francesco Levato, the journal’s faculty advisor.

The journal accepts submissions through November and is published in the spring. For complete guidelines, please see our submissions page.

Editorial Statement 

The 318 Journal team is a group of undergraduate students at California State University, San Marcos who are dedicated to promoting student voices. The goal of the 318 Journal is to find unpublished pieces of work to find a home which allows students to experience having published work. The 318 Journal team offers students at CSUSM and other universities and colleges a chance to start their writing career. This journal is a creative outlet for poetry, fiction, non-fiction, hybrid, and digital, and other variations of literature. We encourage exploring different perspectives of the world through writing.