Allysa Castillo


Lucy Hamilton dog eared the page of her favorite book as she sipped her cup of hot chocolate with extra cream and a dash of cinnamon. She sat at her usual spot of the cafe, nestled in the corner by the book case. Pinehouse was a vintage clothing company from the 1940’s renovated into a small coffee shop in upper Manhattan. The wood floors and old lamps were reminiscent of the cafe’s past life. They were never fully lit, adding a warm and inviting atmosphere to the space.

            It was a Tuesday afternoon on a cool autumn morning in early October. The weather started to change, but it wasn’t quite cold enough to bring out the parkas and long boots. Lucy was dressed in a plaid dress and a white pull over sweater paired with Maroon Mary Jane’s.

            She glanced at her watch that was rimmed in gold and had a leather strap, a true beauty from her mother. The aesthetic of the watch matched the mood of the cafe. 

            1: 53 pm.

            One may not have guessed that Lucy was dressed for her first date with a boy from her Advanced Chemistry 450 class. She dressed simply and not to impress.

            At 1:56 pm she FaceTimed one of her closest friends, Maria. “Hey, what’s up?” Maria remarked in her high usual cheerful tone as she was stretching her legs in what looked like an incredibly awkward position.

            “Are you doing yoga?” Lucy asked in disbelief and held her laughter.

            “It’s my New Year’s goal,” Maria answered, shifting into a downward dog position. “Anyway, enough about me. How’s your date going?”

            Lucy didn’t say anything for a long pause.

            “Ooo that bad, do you need me to save you?” Maria asked, misinterpreting her friend’s silence.

            “I almost wish it was.”

            “Wait, what? Am I missing something?” 

            “He never showed up, M. Or should I say I got stood up.” Lucy looked down at the page she was reading.

            “Ughh, what a total jerk! What’s his name? I’ll have Steve beat him up for you.” Steve was her boyfriend of three years and also the linebacker for their college football team.

            “Thanks, but it’s my fault really. I asked this guy out from one of my classes, thinking he was interested. Obviously, he was just being nice because he knows I have an A in that class.”

            “Well, I still think you should have Steve give him a punch. Maybe just one blow, you know nothing too serious. Just enough for him to remember who’s friend he stood up.”

            Lucy half smiled, thinking that Maria was one of the most loyal and supportive friends she ever had. “Thanks, Maria. It’s okay. I have a lot of studying to do anyway,” she said softly, trying to hide her disappointment. “I think I’ll pay for my drink and head out.”

            “I don’t envy you pre med majors. Have fun in the library. Hey, if you need a study break, you know where to find me.”

            “See ya, M.”

            “Byeeee,” she said as Lucy hung up.

            She sighed and waved at the waiter for the receipt. Looking out the window, her mind drifted to Luke. It was a year since her and Luke went their separate ways. Some may have called it a break up or bad timing. Lucy didn’t see it as any of that. As part of Luke’s treatment for his drug addiction in rehab, his doctors believed it was best to remove any other distractions that might add more stress on his plate. Unfortunately, his parents believed that included Lucy.

            We’re sorry, Lucy. You know, we love you, but Luke needs to focus on getting better, healthier. Besides, you need to focus on applying for med school.

            Of course she understood. It would be selfish of her to stay, knowing that her presence and the existence of their relationship only made it harder for Luke to heal. She was a reminder of everything he lost and, in many ways, he resented her despite the love he had for her. They were both ambitious pre medical students on track to attend medical school together in New York’s finest colleges whether it was Columbia or NYU. They were the “golden couple” until Luke found something else to study other than hospital terms and the human body. Three months later, Lucy found him on the floor of their apartment from an overdose. There was officially nothing golden about them.

            She still kept tabs on him and he would call on occasion. Their conversations were limited to the weather, breakfast, and nothing remotely interesting. Lucy wondered if the antidepressants were changing him slowly, making him into a lifeless piece of skin and bones.

            “Your bill Miss,” the waiter handed her the receipt, interrupting her thoughts about the past.

            “Thank you.” She grabbed her belongings and headed for the door. Just as she was about exit, the door flung open and the bells above the door made a loud clamor. She would have run into the gentleman if she didn’t notice him running toward the door a few seconds before he opened it.

            “Lucy Hamilton,” he said confidently.

            “Um, yes.”

            “Is that a question?” He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

            “Well, of course, I mean yes. Yes, I’m Lucy. And you are?” She said, irritation on the edge of her voice. 

            “The guy who has a very great explanation of why he’s late to your date if you would let him buy you a cup of coffee.”

            Lucy was still trying to understand why she was still standing at the entrance of the doorway and not walking to the library.

            “So you’re the guy that stood me up.”

            He blushed. “You see, I have a good explanation for that. I was really, really nervous for the date and when I’m nervous I start clean panicking around my place.”

            Lucy raised her eyebrow, wondering how this guy was in Advanced Chemistry 450.

            “Well, then, maybe you should continue panic cleaning around your place,” Lucy responded and shoved past him.

            “Hey I have details on the next pop quiz.”

            She hesitated. “Mr. Miller doesn’t give pop quizzes.”

            “That’s what all the people who fail his pop quizzes say. I mean, hey if you’re sure then I won’t stop you,” he said, raising his hands up.

            She stated in her spot and hated how much he was enjoying this. “Fine, one hour. And, I’m also not a coffee drinker.”

            “Name’s Daniel, by the way,” he officially introduced himself and Lucy noticed for the first time his eyes. They reminded her of autumn, green mixed with brown and golden. “Shall we begin our study date?”

            Lucy smiled, unsure what she was feeling. She couldn’t help but compare the way she felt to her first date with Luke. With Luke, she was wildly attracted to his intelligence, sophistication, and maturity. Daniel brought a different energy that made her comfortable, at ease. 

            “I’ll have tea,” she said and walked back inside. 

            The two found a booth by the window and, outside, the leaves were beginning to change as they fell for the next season. Golden replaced the green, giving way for something bright and new.

Author Bio: Allysa Castillo is a junior at CSUSM with a major in PSCI and a minor in LTWR. Some interesting facts about her are that she has a lifestyle and wellness blog and was a gymnast for 7 years. In her free time, she loves to write, design, photograph, and anything that’s creative. Her career goals include law school after her undergraduate and eventually pursuing international law.