By Sahn Khanpour
would the mundanity of a peeled mandarin nestle in those hallowed walls,
the way those settled words seem to have settled,
the way those unspoken thoughts seem to have sunk, still sink
and the supposed scream of a kettle, better to be belittled than be that little,
steams its way through open ears–
sticky and sickly you’ve been left, wipe those hands clean before you touch
their pristine glass, fingertips that stain everything you seem to glance at–
is that what you think?
their sledgehammer touch won’t slight you,
let those pastel words and the stench of comfort back in, again,
you’re so good, again,
you feel so good, again,
laid at their convenience,
used for their convenience,
this rotten hand has hurt so sour but what are you if not convenient?
Author Bio

Sahn Khanpour
Sahn Khanpour is a fourth-year student at the University of California, Irvine studying Neurobiology with a minor in Creative Writing. Lover of all things creative, they aspire to balance the serious and unserious nature of living through literary work.