Christian Morales


  I fall in love every day
with the clouds in the sky,
the way my car AC hits my face, 
when a customer asks how I’m doing
while they look me in the eye. 
There’s love in everything I do, 
passion with every move I make,
I’ve never only loved one person,
I read in a book somewhere
that total devotion to one thing
will only lead to despair. 
To all the people in the world
who have turned their backs on me,
flipped me off when I turn my head,
whisper badly when I leave the room,
I love you all too.
I’m always hoping one day
the sun will shine on all of our hands,
as we feel the warmth, 
the growth, 
that feeling that starts inside,
to ward off the decay,
maybe then we may see eye to eye,
even wave hi on the street,
but until that day,
just know that I love you.
I know you love me too.

Please Don’t Burn

When I die I want to be buried,
I don’t care where or how it’s done,
don’t even need a coffin,
just dump my body into the earth
where it can eat at me
as it gets the last laugh,
devouring the skin I lived in.
Do what you want with my corpse,
throw it off a boat in the middle of the sea,
dump me in some random ditch in Hemet,
store me in your basement freezer,
all I ask is you don’t burn me.
I can’t let everything I worked for
be reduced to ash in a jar,
let my rot be a reminder
that I survived the best I could,
I’ll be at peace when I feel the decay,
let it wrap around my bones,
It's what I deserve.

Christian Morales goes to Cal State San Marcos and is currently studying in the field of Literature and Writing. Christian plans to write in the field of horror fiction once he graduates, but also writes poetry weekly to help gather his thoughts.